Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Boston Cream Pie

It's not that Kurt doesn't think about mealtime, but he doesn't spend nearly as much time thinking about food as I do. He almost never asks what's for dinner or what's for dessert and very rarely makes any special requests. He says he trusts I have it covered, and it's true that I usually do. However, once in a while, especially when I've been on a light and healthy kick, he'll say something like "are we having Boston cream pie for dessert?" He loves it. I have made it a time or two, but since I'm always trying new recipes, it hadn't appeared on our table in years. So, when I was reading my review copy of Maida Heatter's Cakes and came upon her version of Boston cream pie, I had to give it a go. I mentioned previously how much I trust Maida's recipes, and she claimed this was the best version of Boston cream pie she's tried. Sold. She noted that she doesn't know why it's called a pie, and neither do I.

Two layers of sponge cake are filled with vanilla pastry cream, and the pastry cream is the first item to prepare so it can be chilled. This pastry cream was made in the usual way with eggs whisked in a bowl and set aside. Flour, salt, and sugar were combined in a saucepan, and milk was whisked into the mixture. That was brought to a boil over medium-low heat and stirred until thick. The hot milk mixture was slowly whisked into the eggs in the bowl, and then that was poured back into the saucepan where it was heated while stirring constantly. Once thickened, vanilla and almond extracts were added off the heat. The pastry cream was transferred to a bowl and left to cool with parchment paper pressed directly on the surface to prevent a skin from forming. The sponge cake was simple enough. Egg whites were whipped with some sugar until they held a soft shape, and egg yolks were mixed separately with sugar until very light in color. Vanilla, lemon juice, and some cold water were mixed with the yolks. The yolks were folded into the whites, then the dry ingredients including flour and baking powder were folded in as well. Last, melted butter was just barely folded into the batter. The batter was baked in a nine-inch round pan, and next time, I think I'll use an eight-inch pan because it spread out somewhat thin. Once the cake was baked and cooled, it was sliced in half and filled with the chilled pastry cream. The filled cake was topped with a simple chocolate ganache made with chopped semisweet chocolate and cream.

This was exactly what's expected from a Boston cream pie. The cake was tender and fluffy, the filling was rich and nicely vanilla-flavored, and the chocolate ganache was the perfect contrast on top. I don't know if it was the best Boston cream pie ever, but I'll probably eventually try several others for comparison's sake. Most importantly, Kurt was thrilled to open the refrigerator and see what was for dessert.


  1. Ohhhhhh.....Lisa! Am about to jump into the screen for a piece of that cake! Looks heavenly. *So* with you on Maida...100% trust there. Photos are gorgeous, as always.

  2. I can see why he loves it - yum! I feel like I need to tackle BCP soon since I live in Boston and all... :)

  3. Mmm...smooth and silky and heavenly!
    I always make pastry cream from scratch. It makes such a difference.

  4. Hubby is just like your husband. He almost never asks what's for dinner. He's quite easy to please when it comes to main dishes.
    Desserts .. that's a whole story.

    Your Boston cream pie looks amazing. Wish I had a big slice right now!

  5. A beautiful and very tempting pie! That is a speciality I really like.



  6. I wish i was one of those people who didn't think of food every second. I am always thinking of what my next meal is going to be. Why can't I be one of those ladies who can stand to leave the complimentary cookie or chocolate that comes hith their hot drink?? why, why why????
    *kisses* HH

  7. I have to confess I used to buy the boxed version of this when I was younger. I have got to give this recipe a try and I'm sure it's got to be heads and shoulders over the packaged stuff.

  8. I have never baked Boston pie the creamy filling.

  9. I like sponge cake for its lightness - it doesn't feel as dense as many other cakes to me. This one looks gorgeous with just the right amount of chocolate and cream. Heavenly!

  10. I've never had Boston Cream Pie. I never realized it was a cake. (oops)

  11. What a lovely sweet soft cake.. with rich cream and chocolate ganache !

  12. Yes, please.

    This looks beautiful!

  13. Lisa, I'm drooling over your Boston Cream Pie! I wish I could somehow magically move your pie into my fridge. :-)

  14. I heard about this American classic, but never got any chance of making it myself. Looks delicious!

  15. I'm a Maida fan from way back, Lisa. I've never had anything of hers fail; her directions are so exact, there's no chance of even a beginner messing up. Even we experienced bakers appreciate her detailed instructions.

    Anyway, Boston Cream Pie is divine. But I confess that I've been known to eat the pastry cream first! :) I LOVE pastry cream.

  16. I can't believe I've never had Boston Cream Pie. Now that I've seen your delicious cake/pie/whatever, I must remedy this post haste!

  17. This is one of those desserts I never tire of, with its different tastes and textures—it's so easy to be a fan.

  18. When I moved to Australia I made a Boston Creme Pie for our first dinner party. This is not a common cake down under. My friends raved about the texture and the filling - cool, delicious and so easy to eat.

  19. Oh how adore a properly prepared Boston Cream Pie (which I of course never do right)

    Yours looks absolutely delectable Lisa and to think, you baked it on my birthday!!!

    Thanks for sharing...

  20. I was hoping you would post a recipe. I love BCP, and just made one for Fr's Day. It was awesome, will be posting it soon. I'm partial to hot-milk sponge cake, and I used real vanilla beans for the cake and filling both. But, like you, I'm always trying new recipes.

  21. Have never heard a baked goodies with this name before, look so decadent and yum! Would love to try it.

  22. This is picture perfect with just the right ratio of cream to cake to chocolate! I wish I could go open my fridge and find this inside - right now!

  23. My goodness, I'd be thrilled if I opened the refrigerator and knew this was in my future. It look fantastic.

  24. This sounds so tempting! What a gorgeous treat for special occasions :-)

  25. Like Shelley, I've never had Boston cream pie - I will ask my husband if he particularly likes this one. He rarely asks for specific desserts, only the occasional creme brulle...

    Your "pie" turned out gorgeous, I love the look of the ganache contrasting with the cake and filling

  26. Not only have I never made one, I've never tasted one. How did that happen? As always, this looks terrific.

  27. I've never had Boston cream pie, and I suspect that even if I had had Boston cream pie that it wouldn't count, because it was not made like this one. I feel so deprived right now.

  28. Boston cream pie is one of my favorite cakes hands down. I hate the Red Sox, but love Boston and it's cream pie lol Yours looks absolutely perfect and authentic. The more pastry cream, the better!

  29. i don't know if it tastes like the best boston cream pie ever, but your execution of it sure looks like the best boston cream pie ever. perfect work, lisa, from the layering of the cake to the thickness of the glaze!
